Anal or Rectal Pain
The anus is small but sensitive, and pain in this area can be hard to pinpoint or describe. Sometimes the pain orginates in the anus but may be felt higher up in the rectum, or vice versa.
Common causes of anal or rectal pain
Anal fissure
Hemorrhoids, especially thrombosed external hemorrhoids
Anal abscess and fistula
Perianal skin irritation
Rectal prolapse
Pelvic pain syndrome (see pelvic floor dysfunction)
Anal cancer
Rectal cancer
When you should get evaluated for anal or rectal pain
If your pain is severe or getting worse, you should see a healthcare provider as soon as possible. Pain that is milder but recurring or not resolving should also be evaluated. It is important to mention to your doctor if you notice other symptoms such as bleeding, abnormal discharge, change in bowel pattern (contipation or diarrhea), feeling of a mass or lump, etc.