Notice of Privacy Practices, Release of Information and Assignment of Benefits
Privacy Practices
Colorectal Care of New Jersey LLC (“our practice”) complies with government rules and regulations regarding the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Your Protected Health Information (PHI) such as information relating to your diagnosis, treatment, health care services provided or to be provided to you, claims payment (including information relating to mental illness and/or AIDS/HIV), and which identifies your name, address, social security number, insurance member ID number, are used and disclosed in accordance with government rules, laws and regulations.
Release of Information
Our practice and its affiliates and agents use your PHI to carry out treatment, payment and health care operations. Our practice uses SureScripts, Inc., a prescription system that allows prescriptions and related information to be exchanged between our Practice and the pharmacy. The information sent between these systems may include details of any and all prescription drugs you are currently taking and/or have taken in the past, including prescription information related to alcohol and drug abuse, mental health treatment, and/or confidential HIV related information. Treatments may also include coordination and continuity of care, such as releasing your information to labs and imaging centers for diagnostic tests, to hospital or surgery center to schedule procedures, and to another healthcare provider to coordinate your care. Payment refers to release of your PHI to your insurance company (or its agent) for the purpose of evaluating and administering claims and health benefit coverage. Healthcare operations may involve evaluating the outcome of our patients and services and treatments provided, and performance of our Practice’s operation. Any PHI released to the person or organization identified above may be subject to re-disclosure by such person/organization and may no longer be protected by applicable federal and state privacy laws.
Assignment of Benefits
With your signed authorization, payment of medical insurance benefits (including commercial health insurance, Medicare and Medicaid) will be made directly to our Practice to cover the cost of care and treatment you receive from us. In the case of out-of-network care rendered, your insurance company may send payments to you and expect you to pay our Practice (instead of sending the payment to us directly). If you receive any monies that is intended to be the physician fee for our Practice from your insurance company, you are expected to send the payment to our office, or or you can submit the payment through our Practice's patient portal online bill payment so we can get reimbursed.
This document was last updated on April 30, 2024